
Multi is a shared Transportation system in LA for year 2025 that integrates advantages of private transportation system whilst minimizing disadvantages of current public / shared transportation systems using the Autonomous technology combined with intelligent transportation systems.

An on demand system that can be rented out as a zip car and also can be shared with others like a super shuttle


The existing commuting experience for an average user has a lot to be desired. Existing commuting solutions are broadly classified in two categories public and private transportation and both of these solutions come with their own sets of positives and negatives.

Shared transportation system in LA is going to be more efficient than a private or personal Transportation system in the coming AUTONOMOUS age.

Why shared transportation system ?

The existing drivers' age group ranges from 16 years to 65+ years, with the advent of autonomous technology the drivers' age group range will expand in both directions as there would be no driving involved. If autonomous technology in transportation is provided as a private commodity the number of users (drivers) will increase along with the number of private transportation devices (cars), this in turn will create more traffic congestions and other problems associated with it making it difficult to live in cities like Los Angeles. Hence, Shared transportation system will prove to be more efficient.

desired user flow

multi - vehicle


ownership model



All units are in millimeters.

multi - mobile app


Note : MULTI was visualized by Ravi Patel, Di Bao and Calvin Ku as a group.